16 Februar 2016


Martin Mobråten gelingt die erste Begehung von Wolverine, 8B+

Martin Mobråten gelingt die erste Begehung von Wolverine, 8B+ im norwegischen Top-Boudergebiet Vingsand.

Ethan Pringle in seinem Blog über Vingsand: „Vingsand is probably Norway’s best bouldering area (even though climbers from Trømso swear that the bouldering up there is even better, as do the climbers in Stavanger think their rocks are the best…). Vingsand is fairly condensed, the rock quality is superb, the lines are obvious and long or tall and the views are spectacular. You can see the ocean from almost any problem in the area, and the ocean is shockingly beautiful.

Gute Infos zum Bouldern in Norwegen findet ihr auch hier


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